We are supporting:
  1. Hash symbol (#): For title. Example:
    # This is H1 tag
    ## This is H2 tag
    ### This is H3 tag
  2. Asterisk symbol (*): For em and strong tags. Example:
    * This is em tag *
    ** This is em tag **
    *** This is em and strong tag ***
  3. One backtick symbol (`): For inline code. Example: `console.log("Hello")`.
  4. ```[Language] Code Block```: For code block. Example:
    public class HelloWorld {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            System.out.println("Hello World");
  5. Hyphen symbol (-): For ul tag. Example:
    - List item 1
    - List item 2
  6. 1., 2., 3.: For ol tag. Example:
    1. List item 1
    2. List item 2
  7. ~Content~: For strike tag
  8. [Title](url): For a tag
  9. ![Alt Text](url): For img tag

You also can use any HTML tag.