This guide will walk you through the steps to add a new Orange player skin to the EzySmashers game.

1. Server

Add a new value to the SkinType enum located in the org.youngmonkeys.ezysmashers.common.constant package::
public enum SkinType {
    ORANGE;  <---

2. Unity client

  • Open the LobbyScene and select the CharacterSelect game object.
  • Add the idle animation for the new orange character to the animator component.
  • Create a transition from Any State to the orange animation with the appropriate properties.
  • Open Game2DScene and select MyPlayer game object.
  • Copy the CharacterSkin002 Blend Tree, paste it, and rename it to CharacterSkin003 in the animator component.
  • Create a transition from Any State to CharacterSkin003 and set the transition properties:
  • Select Blend Tree and update the motions to character-003_idle and character-003_walking.
  • And that's it! You now have the new orange character skin ready to use in the game.